Sunday, August 5, 2012

Homemade Fig Jam

I can't say that I'd ever really eaten a fresh fig before last week, but while in Georgia with my husband's family I was able to pick the yummiest, sweetest figs right off the tree. We ended up coming home with 4ish pounds of them that I had to something with. So began my jam-making/canning experiment that may very well have me hooked.

The fig jam was really, really easy. For my 4ish pounds of figs (cut in half), I added 2 1/2 cups vegan sugar, 1/4 cup of lemon juice and the zest of one lemon. Into a large pot these ingredients went and simmered for about 1 1/2 hours, while I stirred frequently. I didn't need any additional water, but you may depending on how soft your fruit is.

Now, the canning part of this experiment had my all psyched out. The process of canning just seemed so technical and intimidating that I never ventured near, who wants to be responsible for giving some unsuspecting relative botulism poisoning? But alas, what what I to do with a ish-load of fig jam? Canning was a must.

Step 1: Canning supplies.

$40 poorer I had all I need to start the process. New jars with lids, canning tongs and a fancy funnel (that by the way, I haven't used yet as the jam was too thick).

Step 2: Sanitization

After washing the jars and lids in hot soapy water, boiled them in a large pot for 15 minutes or so, keeping them in the hot water until I was ready to use them.

Step 3: Filling the Jars

With the assistance of my very helpful hubby, I removed the jars from the hot water bath and filled them with the jam - leaving about 3/4 inch of space at the top of the jar and being careful to keep the rim of the jar clean (or wiping it off well).

Step 4: Boiling

After screwing the lids on (not too tight), the jars went back into the boiling water bath to seal. I left them in there for about 20 minutes (directions said 10-15, but I was know, about the botulism).  Jars are sealed when the lid doesn't "pop" when pressed on.

So that's that...Canning: Accomplished.

I have some lovely cucumbers in the garden that will be ready in about a week. Pickles, anyone?

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